30 Days of Night: Dark Days - Don't Bother!!!!

No Spoilers....

Ok first off I really liked the original so I had some expectations - which I admit is not the brightest when it comes to sequels because more often than not - they suck. Well this movie is a clear example of a downright crappy sequel! There is one character that was from the first movie who is played by another actress who (in my opinion) looks nothing like the other actress. So that was dumb to begin with.... There is also a part that is supposed to be one of the other actors from the last movie (Josh Hartnet) and it clearly looks NOTHING like him.

All that crap aside - it was so B movie horrible that it was down right pathetic. It was a gore fest which I am never a fan of and it's not because I am a squeamish chick I can handle some grossness in a movie. However, when it seems like they are using the blood and guts so that people will think the movie is great... well - that just doesn't do it for me. It's stupid. I prefer less gore and a better story line. Mind you the first one was bloody but - ya know - it IS a vampire movie! What do you expect? This one was just stupid gore and closeups of bowls of blood. Dumb. I myself prefer the Blade Trilogy to these movies. In that case the third movie was the best one!

So to get down to it simply - it sucked - and that is not a funny vampire pun ! It really was HORRIBLE! So DON'T BOTHER!!!

If you do decide to watch it....prepare for a whole lotta CRAP....


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