Karate Kid (2010) - Watch it !

No Spoilers....

This isn't your typical remake. It isn't a bunch of new actors and actresses playing the same characters with the same names like the majority of remakes. It follows the same story line loosely - boy gets beat up, boy meets man who teaches him king fu, boy has to fight in match against bullies to redeem himself. So on and so forth.

But there is not the wax on wax off scenes. No painting the fence, etc. There are other things that he does that are mundane that he hates at the beginning of training but I was happy that they were not the same things. That there was some creativity in the portrayal. Jaden Smith did a great job in the movie as did Jackie Chan. All in all this movie was significantly better than I would expect as most remakes are pretty awful. For example Death at a Funeral (see my last post) Psycho (which was just horrendous) and Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie should be ashamed). I digress..... watch Karate Kid - that's my point.



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