127 Hours - WATCH IT!

Some Spoilers....

I am not spoiling anything that you wouldn't already know if you had see in the trailer below...

This movie is based on the life or Aron Ralston and how one day when he is hiking he falls and gets his arm crushed and he is STUCK in the middle of Utah in this crack in the Earth. It's VERY intense and an amazing job on the part of the director given you are mainly in one place for most of the movie and yet it is still incredibly entertaining! James Fraco surely deserves the nomination I believe he got for this movie! It was unreal and crazier still because it IS real!

Check it out (at limited theaters - I saw it at Dipson) and ENJOY....

Tron (IMAX 3D) - Maybe

No Spoilers...

First of all let me start this by saying that it was BEYOND ridiculous to market this as a 3-D movie and then have half the film be in 2-D - WHAT a COMPLETE rip off!

So THAT was my first beef with this movie. I max is freaking expensive - and it is beyond dumb to spend as much money to see this as I have for a movie that was ALL in 3-D. NOT happy!

Secondly... not much of a plot. Pretty uneventful storyline wise. Seemed like a reason to create special effects and 3-D blah blah. Just seemed like the movie was made more to see how "cool" it would be in 3-D - I'm not impressed. It was alright but not for the amount it cost to see.

All in all I just didn't feel there was much to it - I now wish I had seen the Chronicles of Naria movie instead - oh well - to little to late.

I suggest you wait for Redbox for this one - or Netflix - what have you - you ge the idea. Do not waste your money it really isn't worth all the hype. If they are going to hype something up it darn well better be worth it - THIS - was not!

If you choose to see it in theaters - consider yourself warned.... there are FAR better choices out there right now.

The Social Network - Watch it

A bit of spoilers....

First off even though we knew there was a legal battle involved in the movie my husband and I did not expect it to be ALL about the legal battle involved with Facebook. We also had no idea that Sean Parker - the guy who created Napster - had anything to do with this storyline. So that was odd too.

Jesse Eisenberg did a good job as the main character Mark and Justin Timberlake was good in his role as Sean. However, I have to say I massively agree that he was a complete jerk in the movie and definitely made Mark seem like he was... I know I read that there was a lot of flack on how Mark was really a nice guy and they didn't like the way he was portrayed.

Anyways it was worth a watch for sure. So check it out and...


Despicable Me - WATCH IT! Kids and adults :)

No Spoilers....

Ok, I'm not going to lie I wasn't really massively excited about this movie really.... I LOVE Steve Carrell but the whole premise and the trailers just didn't do much for me. Boy was I wrong! And I hate to admit that....

Steve Carrell's accent was hilarious as the main character Gru. There were many other people lending voices such as Jason Segal (I love you man, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, TV: How I met your mother), Kristen Wiig (SNL), etc.

The little girls were hilarious and Agnes was most assuredly my absolute favorite. Just to show you her hilariousness I have included a clip below... check it out :)

Also this is great for kids and adults :) Everyone will love it! Check it out!


The Yellow Handkercheif - Watch This

No Spoilers....

This is definitely not the most thrilling movie by any means but I thought that William Hurt, Maria Bello, and Kristin Stewart were all very good in the movie. To be honest Kristin Stewart seems to play this similar character in a lot of her movies but hey - it works!

William Hurt and Maria Bello are for sure the ones that create the main story line and interest in the film. We meet Hurt's character when he is being released from jail and throughout the beginning of the movie the boy and girl he is traveling with have no idea he was ever in jail. Upon being pulled over by the cops they learn that he was just released after 6 years in jail and after finding this out we learn his story and how he came to fall in love with his (now ex) wife.

The story is filled with sadness and love and ultimately a return to the American Dream of happiness. You will understand the name of the movie by the end because I was questioning it the entire time.... it will make sense once the movie is over I promise ;)


Black Swan - Watch this!

Some Spoilers....

This was a very well done movie and Natalie Portman was extremely impressive as the main character Nina Sayers. This is a movie that shows the stress that trying to become a start ballerina can have on a woman. Winona Ryder has a rather small part as Beth who is the ballerina that Nina is replacing. Beth has become to old and is therefore being forced to retire. She has a breakdown of her own towards the beginning of the movie.

As a brief warning their are some awkward sexual moments in this movie... don't say I didn't warn you ;)

It becomes rather obvious that Nina is a very soft spoken girl who is a perfectionist. She never seems to be happy with her moves as a ballerina and when she does try out for parts is told she is too robotic and does not show enough feeling. That she is "frigid" and needs to loosen up. It is obvious that her mother is rather obsessed with her career because she gave up her career as a ballerina to have her daughter. There is a definite unhealthy bond between the two given Nina's age. She also lives in a bedroom that looks like it could belong to a 12 year old. It is filled with stuffed animals and pink everything.  We learn through time that Nina has had a nervous scratching problem that is shown subtly throughout the movie.

Mila Kunis plays a ballerina who tries to loosen Nina up and also seems to be competing with Nina for the main ballerina. Nina views her as a threat but the viewer begins to wonder - is this all in her head? Is she crazy? At the end of the movie the craziness in her mind collides with the first production of Swan Lake and we see that she has gained "perfection" but at what cost?

Check out this movie it was done very well - you are drawn into this crazy world that Nina is in and begin to feel what she is going through.... ENJOY!

The Rabbit Hole - Watch It !!!

Some Spoilers....

I was saddened that this movie was a VERY limited release. But I was able to find a way to watch it. This is a huge movie for BLMs (baby loss mommas) to have their family and friends watch. It is a raw and realistic view of what this couple goes through after their son dies at the age of four because of a car accident.

I thought that there were some really poignant moments in the movie such as when a woman in their support group says that God took her child because he needed another angel and Nicole Kidman's character burst out and said Why didn't He just make one - He's God he could have just MADE another angel! I think many people feel that way who have lost a child when God is brought up in conversation. We all have our different beliefs but I thought that was a very realistic aspect of the movie. There is also many times when her mother compares losing her son to the 4 year old boy dying and Kidman's character gets very angry and tells her not to group her boy in with her heroine addicted brother who overdosed because it's not the same thing - it just isn't. I thought that was a good point too to put in the movie.

The movie shows the way that losing their boy was taking a toll on their relationship and how it was hard for them to work through it and how they each handled it differently. I thought it was interesting in the movie that the husband seemed to be more open to going to their support group then the wife at one point. He was also very open about his grief and I liked that way that they made that clear. They could have shown him as all clammed up about it and not talking about it but since it was portraying them often at home together the audience got to see how HE was handling grief too.

Kidman's character also meets and talks with the young by that accidentally killed her son. That brought about some very interesting conversations and emotional moments in the movie. I found it interesting that she seemed to want to know about his life and what not. I found myself wondering if I would be that way if I had experienced the loss of a child on Earth... I hope I'll never know. Given my losses were miscarriages I couldn't relate to having someone that caused my children to die but it was interesting that the boy that caused the sons death was a decent part of the film.

Eckart who played the husband also did a wonderful job. They both did a fantastic job at displaying their grief and I thought that them having to deal with knowing someone who was pregnant was also very fitting. We all have to deal with pregnancy every day. If you have family or friends you are bound to deal with it and I think that aspect being added into the script was also extremely important to the movie.

As the mother says in the movie (not an exact quote here) you NEVER get over the death of your child but it becomes more bearable in time, you learn to carry the weight along with you like a brick in your pocket...sometimes you can even forget about it for a moment but it always comes back.

All in all I think ANYONE and EVERYONE should check out this movie when it comes out on DVD. It is a realistic view of the grief that anyone goes through that has lost a child. I think this is a movie that BLMs should ask their friends and family members to view when it comes out. This is a film that really portrays what we all go through.

Watch this and LEARN what NOT to do and say when you know someone has lost a child.... there are not many educational things out there to teach people how to deal with those that have been through such loss so take this and hold on to it really delve into the grief and understand what those of us who have lost our child or children go through every single day.....

The Other Guys - Watch It!

No Spoilers....

Okay if you are a Will Ferrell fan then you should watch this movie. I am by NO means saying that it is his BEST movie but it was significantly amusing and well worth the time of watching it once for sure! Mark Walhberg is also hilarious in the movie - it is a far cry from The Fighter which he made around the same time as this movie.

It's a great comedy with not a huge plot but honestly what comedy has a huge plot? None.... So give it a shot if you have a Will Ferrell sense of humor you should like it :)


Winter's Bone - Don't Bother!

No Spoilers....

Ok so I had been thinking about watching this for awhile because I saw it at Redbox and well I have seen SO many movies that sooner or later I have to watch ones I have never heard of.... but I always decided not to watch it. My father in law told us this movie was SO intense and we had to watch it.

Needless to say we totally disagreed. It was a really slow movie and while the main actress was good it wasn't enough to make me like the movie. It was a pretty boring plot that was really drawn out. I am pretty positive I could have made that movie a heck of a lot better than it was. I was severely disappointed given my father in law hyped it up so much.

Oh well. If you choose to watch it - you have been warned....

The Fighter - Watch It!

No Spoilers....

Ok to start as always Christian Bale did a fabulous job playing the drug addicted former boxer and older brother Dicky. He was SO creepy with his bulgy eyes, jittery moves, and extra skinny appearance (not AS extreme as The Machinist but still skinny). Mark Walhberg was also great as Micky the younger brother who thinks it's HIS chance to be a boxer finally. This movie was nominated for MANY golden globes and I think it was well deserved.

It's impossible not to get incredibly annoyed and angry with the family for being so crappy to Micky and sticking up for his drug addicted brother through all the crap he pulls. Amy Adams also did a great job as Micky's girlfriend Charlene. It is a FAR cry from Enchanted that is for sure. A performance that your children should NOT watch by any means - but a great one at that. I think it'll be good for her career to move out of only movies with the girl next door kinda feel (such as Enchanted and Julie & Julia). The entire cast did really great. It took 5 years to get someone to decide to make this movie and it was well deserved and they did a great job.

Check it out and ENJOY....

The kids are all right - DON'T BOTHER!

A few spoilers (but they give away most of this in the trailer anyways!)....

Ok so I knew going into this that this was a bout a lesbian couple that used a sperm donor to have kids and then they meet him and blah blah blah.

However I was not prepared for all of the sexual content. There were a variety of sex scenes, sexual conversations, etc. FAR too much in my opinion. Then the one woman sleeps with the sperm donor guy and that is all sorts of awkwardness in the movie.

I found that the movie had way more to do with sex then it did with the kids and meeting their "father" and what not. Naming the movie "The sex is alright" would have been more appropriate. So personally I am pretty open about movies and honestly not overly picky but I seriously suggest you skip this one. If you choose to watch it please realize - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Tell-Tale - Watch It!

No Spoilers...

Ok this movie was pretty cool. It is based on the story by Edgar Allen Poe called The Tell-Tale Heart. 
Basically it's about a man who receives a heart transplant and then starts having memories of what the original heart owner saw before he died.

I thought the main character "Terry" was very well portrayed by Josh Lucas. I have liked him in other movies so that is why I gave this one a shot though I had never heard of it. (When you are like me and you have seen thousands of movies you have to give unpopular ones a try too!)

The storyline was great and Josh Lucas was really good at playing a man who basically had no control over his actions. It has a lot of twists and turns and my favorite kind of ending for a movie. That's all I'll say so as not to give too much away :)

So check it out and if you do.... ENJOY!

Charlie St. Cloud - WATCH IT! (read the book and I STILL loved the movie)

No Spoilers...

So all I can say is I was EXPECTING to be disappointed with this movie. You see whenever I read a book first and then watch the movie I am disappointed 90% of the time. But I LOVED IT! I could be wrong but I think that couples could watch this movie and both be happy it is not an overly chick flick.

The issues I had was in the book Charlie is supposed to be in his early 30's - needless to say Zac Efron does not even remotely appear to be in his 30's. Secondly the movie began with a part that didn't even happen in the book. However other than those two issues the movie got on track with the book. There were a few additions but they helped explain Charlie's unique ability.

It was a great movie. Given I am saying this after comparing it to the book - that says A LOT! (I think it has a lot to do with the writer being an executive producer) So check it out and...


Shrek Forever After - WATCH IT / Kids

Tiny Spoilers....

Ok the only spoiler is this is an interesting kind of Wonderful Life look on Shrek! I really like it. It's hard to excited about movies when it's the 2nd or 3rd one but this one was really great!

I love that Shrek is made so that kids and adults can enjoy it :)

So definitely watch this one with your kids or alone (like me) IT'S A WINNER!


Expendables - Maybe

No Spoilers.....

There are no spoilers because there is nothing to spoil. This is basically a massively corny action movie. I mean look at the famous people in it for goodness sake. Sylvester Stallone, the fabulous governor of California, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more action packed muscle bound morons. (LOL)

Bruce Willis has a ridiculously small part filled with a sad amount of stupid lines a high school student could have written - Bruce what were you THINKING? Has your career really gone there already? I mean honestly I can understand most of the others in the movie but Bruce - really? This was disappointing....

I feel as though my husband enjoyed this far more than me (note shock - haha) so (if you are a woman reading this) your significant other or husband or brother or friend or what have you will surely enjoy this more than you will.

This is definitely NOT a good movie to "watch" while doing something else (in my case painting). Most of the movie is things blowing up or being shot however there is not really much of a story line to miss I just missed the explosions and what not.

I can't remember the stupidity clearly but the ending line is beyond corny and incredibly awful.

Anyways if you choose to go there - enjoy it if you can....

A Christmas Carol (2010) - Maybe (NOT for kids in my opinion)

No Spoilers.....

OK so first off please PLEASE do not watch this with small children. It is a pretty creepy interpretation. Yes I know that it is an "animated" movie so you would think it was marketed towards children but seriously it's really not. The movie goes from quiet to scary loud at parts - which if it made me jump could terrify a child - and you know the ghost people are surely not created to give children peaceful dreams.

SO keep that in mind - that is important!

Other than that I mean it's pretty much the same as any A Christmas Carol movie... nothing different really. I mean I would personally go for the Mickey Mouse version but what do I know ;)

If you decide to watch it I hope you enjoy it!

The Last Airbender - Maybe watch it.

No Spoilers (if you have seen the trailer anyways).....

So this is basically just a big action movie with cool effects. There is a definite lack of interesting story line. You pretty much get the story line from the trailer. There is the "avatar" or ya know THE LAST AIRBENDER lol. SO the entire movie revolves around people helping or trying to kill the avatar kid.

Yep that's pretty much it. So not that I would think anyone expected this movie to be "deep" but seriously don't expect it to be deep. It's NOT!

If you want a decent action movie with some cool effects go for it. If you are looking for a movie to watch and you rarely watch movies - I would choose one from my Watch It list :)

Unstoppable - Watch it!

No Spoilers...

All I want to say about this movie (because I don't want to give it away) is that it is SPECTACULAR! It is the best action movie I have seen in quite awhile. Very suspenseful, edge of your seat. Awesome actors and actresses. Just GREAT!

Sooo in a nut shell - WATCH IT!!!!


Toy Story 3 - WATCH IT/Kids & adults alike :)

No Spoilers....

Ok I am usually a firm believer that sequels more often than not tend to get worse as they go on. For instance I am skeptical about the making of another Mission Impossible.... but who knows I guess it could be okay. Anyways Toy Story 3 was FABULOUS! You should most certainly watch it - if you have no kids watch it! If you do have kids watch it! So basically...... YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS MOVIE!

It was great! Enough humor so that adults like it and plenty of laughs and what not so that kids will love it! I mean honestly what kid would not love it if their toys could talk!?!

Check it out and ENJOY!

Paranormal Activity & Paranormal Activity 2 - Watch Them!

No Spoilers.....

First of all - DO NOT watch the 2nd movie before you watch the first! It will ruin it for you! Even though the second movie is a prequel - trust me - it will ruin the first movie if you watch the second one beforehand!

With that said - I would like to state I am not in any way saying that I believe in such things when I say I like these movies - I am however stating that these are some great creepy movies. No bloody gore and all that crap I hate - just good - gives you chills creep outs! My favorite!

So check them out! :) And as always..... Enjoy!!!

Red - Watch It!

No Spoilers....

So I am a big fan of a lot of people in this movie - I love Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and John Malcovich. So that, of course, really made me want to see this. Also, I don't know - there is just something about "comedy action movie" that just makes me happy... So needless to say from the title I thought it was good! I thought there was good action in it and I can honestly never get enough of some good ole' sarcasm which is pretty much how Bruce Willis's character was :) and John Malcovich is just a whole other kind of CRAZY - but also hilarious. Honestly he fit his character perfectly because I think he already looks crazy LOL - so he was great too. Morgan Freeman was good, Helen Mirren was good, Mary Louis Parker was good. The actors were good the humor was great and the action rocked.... sooo all in all. Watch it, at least when it comes to DVD.


Hereafter - Watch It!

No Spoilers....

I liked this movie. Mind you I didn't really believe a single thread of it. I'm not really the type to believe that a Matt Damon type or any person for that matter can touch my hand and see someone that has passed. I'm not a believer of such things.... HOWEVER I did think that it was a well made movie. Filled sort of like Crash - as in - you are following three different people throughout the movie and so on.... Anyhow in a nut shell I thought it was good. I would give it a shot if I were you :)


How to Train a Dragon - Watch it (great for kids too)

No Spoilers....

My husband and I saw this at I-Max 3-D and it was great! This is a fabulous movie! Great story line for both kids and adults and awesome animation :)

Not a ton to say except that it is very fun to match the characters to the stars who do the voices. It is a really fun movie that I highly recommend! :)


The Education of Charlie Banks - Don't Bother

No Spoilers....

O.K. so I have thought of watching this movie tons of times. It was on instant in the Netflix choices. Needless to say there was a REASON I chose not to watch it all those times.... because deep down I knew it was gonna stink!

First off - the description of the movie was far more interesting then the movie itself. To put it plainly there is a pretty eventful scene at the beginning that basically starts the whole story line. However, after that it is pretty dull. At the very end of the movie it perks up but all in all it is a very slow, rather depressing movie. It's one of those no one wins kind of endings which in my opinion are just maddening!

So save yourself the depression and annoyance and don't bother there are a TON of other movies that would be better choices....

If you decided to watch it... don't say I didn't warn you!

30 Days of Night: Dark Days - Don't Bother!!!!

No Spoilers....

Ok first off I really liked the original so I had some expectations - which I admit is not the brightest when it comes to sequels because more often than not - they suck. Well this movie is a clear example of a downright crappy sequel! There is one character that was from the first movie who is played by another actress who (in my opinion) looks nothing like the other actress. So that was dumb to begin with.... There is also a part that is supposed to be one of the other actors from the last movie (Josh Hartnet) and it clearly looks NOTHING like him.

All that crap aside - it was so B movie horrible that it was down right pathetic. It was a gore fest which I am never a fan of and it's not because I am a squeamish chick I can handle some grossness in a movie. However, when it seems like they are using the blood and guts so that people will think the movie is great... well - that just doesn't do it for me. It's stupid. I prefer less gore and a better story line. Mind you the first one was bloody but - ya know - it IS a vampire movie! What do you expect? This one was just stupid gore and closeups of bowls of blood. Dumb. I myself prefer the Blade Trilogy to these movies. In that case the third movie was the best one!

So to get down to it simply - it sucked - and that is not a funny vampire pun ! It really was HORRIBLE! So DON'T BOTHER!!!

If you do decide to watch it....prepare for a whole lotta CRAP....

Life as we know it - Watch It

No Spoilers....

Mind you this is SORT OF a chick flick but I did not title it as such because my husband enjoyed the movie too. It is a comedy romance. If you have seen the trailer for it I'm sure that you would agree it looks funny. Well it was :) So if you can't catch it in the theaters (I usually don't see much but action movies in the theater but I was in the mood for some laughter) then rent it when it comes out :)


Just Wright - Watch it (Chick Flick)

No Spoilers....

First off I love Queen Latifa - I think she rocks :) Secondly this is a typical chick flick so if you like chick flicks you'll like it. Can't say your boyfriend or husband will be all that into it but it's a great movie to watch with the girls. Not a ton to say about it really - it's just a good movie :)


Karate Kid (2010) - Watch it !

No Spoilers....

This isn't your typical remake. It isn't a bunch of new actors and actresses playing the same characters with the same names like the majority of remakes. It follows the same story line loosely - boy gets beat up, boy meets man who teaches him king fu, boy has to fight in match against bullies to redeem himself. So on and so forth.

But there is not the wax on wax off scenes. No painting the fence, etc. There are other things that he does that are mundane that he hates at the beginning of training but I was happy that they were not the same things. That there was some creativity in the portrayal. Jaden Smith did a great job in the movie as did Jackie Chan. All in all this movie was significantly better than I would expect as most remakes are pretty awful. For example Death at a Funeral (see my last post) Psycho (which was just horrendous) and Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie should be ashamed). I digress..... watch Karate Kid - that's my point.


Death at a Funeral - Don't Bother

Some Spoilers....

Ok so this movie is pretty much useless. It's full of family fighting and awkward moments - i.e. the dad's lover is a gay little person who wants the family's money. Mind you there are amusing aspects - such as James Marsden's character high out of his mind on some drug he didn't know he took (he thought it was something else). THAT was pretty hilarious throughout the movie. All in all it is full of Chris Rock type humor. So I mean it is basically a pointless comedy with awkward aspects and plenty of language. If that's your thing I guess you should watch it ;) To each their own...

Hope you enjoy if you do decide to watch it but don't expect too much LOL

Prince of Persia - Watch it!

No Spoilers....

While my husband had reservations about Jake Gyllenhaal being able to pull of this movie he actually thought he did a good job. I would have to agree. The film has some great fight scenes. The "sands of time" parts (you'll get what I mean when you watch it) are done really well with special effects. The movie all in all was very good. Gemma Arterton did a great job as the princess also. All in all I would say watch it for sure! This should be one that you ladies can watch with your significant others and both be happy :)


Letters to Juliet - Watch It -- (Chick Flick)

No Spoilers...

OK so I'm sure this is rather obvious but this is a chick flick. But I'm rather sure there are no men that would read this review. Fair warning ladies I am quite sure there is not much of a chance that your significant other will much appreciate this flick. With that said it is a good chick flick :) So indulge in a little time alone or have a ladies night and check it out. It was a cute movie!!


Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D IMAX) - WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.....

THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you liked the others you NEED to watch this one my husband and I agree that is the best out of the four of them. Who knows maybe they will make another great one - I will continue to watch them as long as Mila Jovavich is in them.

This movie was AMAZING in Imax 3-D - it will definitely be one that I will buy when it comes out anyways - you don't have to watch it in 3-D to enjoy it by any means. There are new mutant T virus gross additions - always fun. New characters to love and hate and just and all around great sci-fi zombie-esque thrill ride. WATCH THIS MOVIE!

You won't regret it unless of course you hate these kinds of movies then obviously it would be dumb to watch it ;)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Watch it!

No Spoilers.....

The movie is pretty obvious from the title - the kid is a wimp and he is picked on all the time even at home by his older brother...

So basically this movie follows him and his friend and some other wimps through school for the year. It really cute if you have younger children I bet they would enjoy it too :)

The Jone$es - Maybe watch it

No Spoilers.....

First off I say maybe simply because it is not the most exciting movie in the world. So if you are looking to be thrilled look elsewhere in the watch it area of the blog for example. This is not amazing like Inception or incredibly darling like Up or anything. It is basically about a couple that pretends to be married and pretends the two kids are theirs and their whole goal is to make these rich people buy merchandise. Like this is there job. it's rather odd. However if you are like me and have seen a million movies it is worth a watch :)

Bolt & UP- Watch it / kids

Nothing to spoil.....

These are kids movies so I have to say there is not a bunch to say about them except that they are GREAT! And you should watch them! If I was to choose one I liked better I think I would choose "UP" but they are both good and I am sure kids would love them too :)


Clash of the Titans/Percy Jackson & the Olympians - Watch it!

No Spoilers,

Okay so this movie was not a huge thrill for me because it was basically VERY similar to "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief" except it was made for adults and not preteens/teens. SO I felt like I was just watching I amped up, muscled up version of Percy Jackson. So for me it was a bit boring because I pretty much already knew what would happen.

My husband liked the movie if that helps. SO watch it, especially if you have not seen the Percy Jackson movie (which I would say to also watch LOL - so pick one I guess)

The Backup Plan - Watch It! (Chick Flick)

No Spoilers............

This got bad reviews but I thought it was a fabulous movie! It is a Chick Flick so I can't say your husband or boyfriend will be jumping up and down in excitement to watch it. But it's a great one to curl up and watch by yourself or with a group of friends. Not a whole lot to say because chick flicks are pretty self explanatory. But give it a shot if you love chick flicks like I do :)

Remember Me - WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.......

I would love to write some spoilers in here - but I HATE when people ruin movies for me so I will not do what I hate!

First off I am not a huge lover of Robert Pattinson so that was a slight turn off at first. BUT I did like Claire from Lost to that made up enough for me to watch it :)

o.k. I MUCH prefer Pattinson in THIS movie then as a vampire in the ever so fabulous Twilight series (which I honestly thought the second and third were pretty decent). I digress.

Watch this movie! It got pretty crappy reviews but I beg to differ! All you Twilight haters out there can't hate Robert Pattinson forever! If you can look past this you should really give this movie a shot.
I think I could even say that my husband would have watched this movie. It is not just a chick flick romantic movie! It has much more to it than that. So I say give it a shot! The ending is very touching - you will be happy you watched it. If not then you have no soul ;) LOL well maybe you do but seriously you should like this movie!

‎"Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but
it's very important that you do it because nobody else will. Michael,
Caroline asked me what would I say if I knew you could hear me. I said:
"I do know. I love you. God, I miss you, and I forgive you."

The Last Song - read the book!!!! - Maybe watch it!

No Spoilers..............

Ok so if you don't hate Miley Cyrus maybe you should watch this. HOWEVER I suggest you read the book because the movie doesn't come close to as good as the book is.

I personally can't stand Miley Cyrus or her silly mouth - all I see is Hannah Montana - so maybe I am to biased to write this review LOL.

So the official point - read the book it's way better!

Cop Out - Watch This!!!!!!!!!!

No Spoilers......

OK so I'll keep this short and sweet! Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan in a buddy cop movie that is directed by Kevin Smith! Come one how can you say no to such a thing! It is HILARIOUS! So yea.... you should watch it. If you watch it and don't like it then you have no sense of humor ;)

That is all

The Laramie Project - Watch it!!!!!

No Spoilers.....

To clear up what this is about - it is a movie written based on the interviews taken from the town of Laramie after the vicious beating and murder of Matthew Shepard. He was killed by two boys at the age of 21 because he was a homosexual.

Whether or not you agree with homosexuality or not you should watch this movie! This post is not to discuss that - I have my own thoughts as well as you do yours. This movie just really made me sad. It's sad that there are people who have that much hatred in their lives! Sad and disgusting that there are people who think they have any right to kill someone because they are gay. We are not God!

There needs to be more love in the world. More love and much less hate! All I could think of when I watched this movie was no matter how wrong you think something is NO ONE should be treated that way. The worst are people that think Matthew Shepard deserved this! Deserved to be killed because homosexuality is wrong! That is awful and to stand at a trial over such an awful thing and hold signs that say Matthew Shepard is in hell is just HORRIBLE! None of us have a right to say that! People have their choices and sure we can disagree but we have no right to kill or discriminate!

Watch this movie. It will make you realize on a large scale that there needs to be much more LOVE in this world! We can love people whether they are different from us or not - people are people. The world needs to be a bit less judgmental and a lot more loving! If you don't watch this movie at least remember to LOVE MORE the world could use more love!

Kick-Ass ---- Maybe Watch It

No Spoilers.....

OK so if you enjoy some ridiculous comedy about a geek that wants to become a super hero then watch this. HOWEVER be warned there is some significant language in this movie. The most bothersome being an eleven year old saying a variety of 4 letter words that are not too often used in movies because they offend pretty much everyone! SO keep that in mind! DO NOT watch this with children ( I kind of think that name should make that obvious!)

It is amusing and there is quite a funny story line. If comedies with language don't bother you then I would say you would probably like it.
If not then obviously DO NOT watch it!

Hope that helps!

Inception - WATCH IT!

This movie is impossible to spoil...........

I can't even express to you how cool this movie was. First off AWESOME to see in the theaters. I agree with what someone said to me though - Imax might be a bit to much for this movie... strike that reverse it.... this movie might be too much for Imax. It's a LOT to pay attention to and I think on that big of a screen you would miss aspects that are important.

Word to the wise: PAY ATTENTION or you will be lost. Trust me! Do not go to this movie if you are sleepy LOL you will feel like you fell down the rabbit hole with Alice!

There's not much I can say other than that. Pay attention and be ready to be wowed! I love a movie with a twist and this had many by the end you feel like you need to untwist your brain!

Soooo WATCH IT! And if possible get to the theater while you can!!!! This ones worth the pricey admission!

Undertow - Don't Bother!

No Spoilers.....

This movie has a decent cast. I read that it was one of Kristen Stewart's top 10 movies so I Netflixed it! Big mistake - in retrospect I don't even think it had much of a plot. Also Kristen Stewart was in literally 5 minutes of the movie. So whoever wrote that article was a moron.

Anyways don't bother I am not all that picky and it bored the crap out of me! It was not even worth 50 cents!

Knight and Day - Watch it!

No Spoilers....

Here's another example of a trailer that did not need to show so many parts of the movie.For instance I don't consider this a spoiler because the trailer gave this away.... there is a part where you think Tom's character is dead and then you remember "that part in the trailer where they were running from bulls didn't happen yet" well guess what it's cause he's not dead! DUMB very very dumb trailer maker guy!!

Nonetheless.... good flick. It's a comedy action movie. Tom was characterized as having "multiple personalities" in the movie given he plays many of his past character types in the movie. For example: Jerry Maguire, Days of Thunder, Mission Impossible etc. But seriously when does that not happen? Pretty much in all movies you can see part of a character from another movie they were in (like Michael Myers in EVERY movie LOL he always sounds like Shrek!).

So bascially unless you have a severe dislike for either actor I say watch it - it's worth it.

Grown ups - Watch It!

No Spoilers.....

First off - I'd say the trailer spoiled some of the movie BUT there are some pretty funny other parts to the movie too. (FYI Trailer editors: try not to give away SO much of movies I mean we would like to WATCH the whole thing not have half of it given away!) I have to say this movie's trailer wasn't half as bad as some I have seen..... I digress.

If you like the comedic stars in this movie then I say watch it! If you thought the trailer was hilarious then, and I know this is going to blow your mind, but you WILL think the movie is hilarious (shocking huh?) !!

I'd say this was a great flick with well chosen actors, decent amounts but not a ton of overly inappropriate parts (it's an Adam Sandler flick you HAVE to assume some parts will be inappropriate and uncomfortable - i.e. Rob Schneiders old wife!)

But as I said if you like the people in it then watch it but you can wait till it comes out on DVD the big screen doesn't add anything to this movie

Salt - Maybe Watch It!

Tiny Spoiler.....

So all in all this was a good flick. I would say pretty typical of Angelina Jolie films. She was all like poutty, angry, misunderstood and full of crazy lethal moves! Pretty much what one would expect in this sort of movie. So good for her way to change it up ;) (of course Changling was different and that movie sucked so maybe this was a good choice haha)

I think the other actors did a good job, I am a fan of Liev Scheiber he did well in this movie.
I guess the reason for the maybe is 1) If you are sick of Angelina type movies then you can live without this 2) If you hate movies without solid endings don't bother.

If neither option 1 or 2 bother you then go for it! You'll probably think it's pretty good!

Predators - Watch It!

No Spoilers.....

I say if you are a fan of the first movie I suggest you watch this movie. Be warned it is quite corny but again if you liked the first movie this should not bother you!

It was action packed filled with a bit to many f bombs and too many lewd comments from one character - you will understand when you watch it who I mean!

I must say that that Laurence Fishburne's character could have been used a bit more in the movie but I think that the rest of the actors and actresses did a good job. All in all it is a good corny sci-fi adventure. Mind you it's no Aliens but hey who expected it to be?

The Wolfman - DON'T BOTHER!!!!

Some spoilers but seriously it doesn't matter - the movie was awful!

Ok so if you are looking for an incredibly cheesy, corny mess of a movie and feel like you want to completely waste your time - then watch this! Otherwise seriously - don't bother!

This was filled with incredbily predictable plot sequences and incredibly HORRIBLE effects. I mean honestly Teen Wolf with Michael J. Fox that was made in the stinking 80's probably had better effects! Sad sad sad..... I found myself asking "Why am I watching this?" Then I remembered! My husband wanted to ;) For those of you who think I am a wimpy female who can't take the guts and gore of horror movies (if that's what you want to call this) then think again! I am a big fan of sci-fi, some horror, etc. (Notably the Alien series and Predator - look for my review on Predators this weekend!)

My husband thought it sucked too!

Sooooo all in all - Rotten Tomatoes (movie review site) had it right this time folks - ROTTEN ROTTEN movie! They gave it a 33% I'd give it a 10%....... Please PLEASE don't bother! Hanging out with Mr. Miyagi trying to catch a fly with chop sticks would be a better way to spend your time!

Temple Grandin - WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.....

This is an AMAZING movie about an a woman with Autism. She was diagnosed with it at age 4 when they thought all autistic people were a lost cause and it was caused by their mother's not being loving enough!

This is a real eye opener to how true it is when the movie says that Temple Grandin (the main character with autism) is "different not less!" True for all people with autism they are unique they have a unique way of thinking. Some can obviously thrive like Temple (with the loving amount of help she received) and some with no help will not. But if you think about it that is much like those of us without special needs..... with help and encouragement we can thrive without it we may not.

I think that everyone should watch this movie. There are still to this day so many things that are misunderstood about those with autism. It is not a death sentence and it does not mean that the person will not accomplish anything in life. This is a wonderful story (biography pretty much) of a girl who defied all odds and expectations and accomplished way more than you or I will probably ever accomplish!

CHECK IT OUT! Well worth the money to rent it or catch it on TV as it is an HBO movie :)


"People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything. There is no single magic bullet."
--Temple Grandin

City of Ember! WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.....

For beginners my friend Liz told me that the Saoirse Ronan (also main character in The Lovely Bones which I highly recommend you watch - see review and trailer on my blog!) was good in City of Ember! I happened to catch it on a movie channel and DVR'd it :) So THANKS LIZ!

Good cast - Saoirse Ronan of course, Bill Murray (is the mayor of Ember) and Tim Robbins!

The main gist is that the world is unsafe so "the builders" create an entire city (Ember) underground and create a way to "EXIT" in 200 years when they deem it will be safe to live on Earth again. This "EXIT" strategy gets forgotten and in the midst of Ember falling apart a few kids try to find a way out.....

Great story! Watch it!!!!!!!!!! :)

Revolutionary Road - DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!!

This SERIOUSLY is one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen in my life. I highly recommend you to NOT I repeat NOT watch this movie! It is an insanely depressing outlook on marriage relationships you will leave the movie nothing but depressed! (even if I wanted to be depressed I would not choose to watch this movie!)

Spoilers follow.........

OK so spoiler time - movie in short form! Trust me after reading this you will know why you should NOT watch this! Kate and Leo's characters meet with all these fancy ideas to explore the world, travel, not be 'normal' boring married people... she gets pregnant! Whoops! So of course - no traveling. She stays at home he works a job he hates - three kids down the line they plan to move to Paris and just see how it goes for a year do the whole non-normal thing so they will be happy again.... she's pregnant again - except now she wants to get an abortion (I believe this was in the 50's so not so easy to do then) he is very against that. So they fight - she kisses their friends husband at some point he's miserable she's miserable. He's off at work one day and she sends the kids next door to play and gives herself an abortion. Walks downstairs and then you see a pool of blood at her feet. Next thing you know her husband and kids are at her funeral. The End!

Aren't you happy that you read that so you won't watch the misery!

Personally I am dead set against abortions in every way so that was just something that was horrible to me but even IF that part had not happened it still would have royally sucked!
A book that should have never been written and surely never made into a movie! Depress yourselves Richard Yates - geesh - don't depress all of America!!!

Where the Wild Things Are - Maybe Watch it!

No spoilers.......

So here's my beef with this movie.... sorta depressing! This is not really one to sit down and watch with the kids really. I mean the monsters in this childs fantasy land even get depressed alot!
I'm more for movies like The Bridge to Teribithia (WATCH THAT for sure!!!) where mind you it was a bit sad but for the majority of the movie it was great! This movie was the opposite - a few moments of cuteness and what not but mostly just sad kid, sad monsters, sad mom.... maybe I'm too emotional LOL but it was just downright sad!

SOooooo if you are a huge fan of the book I guess you should watch it I know people who liked it - glad some people did. I don't remember the book being as depressing....but to each their own!

If you watch it I hope you do enjoy it - but watch Bridge to Teribithia too while you're at it :)

Brooklyn's Finest - Maybe watch it!

I'd say watch this if you like cop movies I guess. It was alright. Basic dirty cop movie. Not too great of an ending though in my opinion....


For one Brooklyn's "finest" is downright sarcastic for sure! These are pretty much dirty cops. For one reason or another. Cheadles character is undercover but won't catch the bad guy cause he's his friend now. One is stealing money when he is on raids so he can buy a new house because he already has 4 kids and twins on the way and a house filled with mold that is pretty much killing his unborn babies. So I gotta say I feel for him a bit (Ethan Hawke). Richard Gere is just a cop who doesn't care about anybody - pretty much just retiring.

Then at the end one cop shots another cop. A little thug kills a cop. And one walks away...
An utterly senseless end and depressing look on cops! Makes you feel not that safe for sure!!!

'The Lovely Bones' Trailer HD

The Lovely Bones - WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.....

I'm sure if you have seen the previews before that you know the basis. A girl is killed and she narates the movie from the "in between" I guess like a purgatory of sorts. Now I have not belief in purgatory but that is neither here nor there. I read this book years ago and loved it and I equally love the movie. Peter Jackson got a lot of flack for portraying the "in between" in the fanciful way he did but I found that aspect of the movie quite fantastic. I think he did a great job!

Saoirse Ronan did a wonderful job as the main character as did Mark Wahlberg as the grieving father trying to find the guilty man. Stanley Tucci was downright terrifying as the creepy neighbor in the movie.

It is a tear jerker and it will wrench your emotions in parts. I balled for a LONG time!
However, given the nature of the movie it was done as tastefully as possible with no disgusting parts and no unnecessary gore. Given movies nowadays that was quite impressive!

So give it a go - it is a great great movie! Oh and my husband liked it too so this is NOT a chick click!

“These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections - sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent - that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events that my death wrought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous body had been my life.”

From Paris with Love - Watch it

No Spoilers......

So here's the DL on this movie....... if you like guns - watch this. If you like lots and lots of shooting scenes - watch this. If you like Travolta as a bad guy (with a bald head and an earring) - watch this.

This is a shoot em up kinda movie. It does have a story line which is good too. My husband LOVED this movie. I watched it while painting. LOL! Given there is more shooting than speaking I advise actually watching it while laying on the couch! (Like I used to do!)


She's out of my League - Watch it!

No Spoilers....

This movie was pretty hilarious. If you have a good sense of humor I think you should watch it!
It was a funny movie with a pretty hilarious cast!

Mind you there are some raunchy jokes and scenes but that is to be expected in most films unfortunately though I have to say that theose aspects did NOT overshadow the majority of the none offensive nature of the movie.

Nonetheless I say check it out :)

Tooth Fairy - Kids watch it!

No spoilers....

This will be a fast review. First off no I am not embarrassed that I watched this movie. I have no life LOL and it was one of the few in Redbox I had not seen. So I watched it.

Now that being said I still would be a bit embarrassed if I was Dwayne Johnson LOL - pink fairy outfit REALLY! Geesh! Hope he made a lot of money for that movie!

Either way it is a cutesie kids movie. Typically what one would expect. So if you want to watch a family friendly movie that will make your kids giggle and you will enjoy too then I say give it a try!

Invictus - Watch it!

No Spoilers......

Now fair warning here - this is not a normal drama type movie as it is based on real events. It's also not an extremely boring documentary. It's a nice mix of both in a way.

All in all I would say that this was an incredibly inspiring story! If everyone in the world could have the forgiving positive attitude that Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman plays him in the movie) had after induring such hardships then the world would be better for it!

I suggest you check this out! Short review but there's not much more to say other than that - if you want to be inspired check it out!

Alice in Wonderland - WATCH IT!

No spoilers....

This is a Tim Burton movie but even those who are not fans of his movies should check this one out! Now be warned this is not the cheerful Alice from your childhood think of this as a sequel of sorts kind of like Return to Oz was for Wizard of Oz. It is Alice's trip BACK to Wonderland after the red queen went and screwed it all up, hence the dark Tim Burton-esque quality of the movie. It's not just because of Tim Burton - it did make sense with the story.

Johnny Depp is fantastic as the mad hatter. I mean he's pretty good at mad. And for those that will find it weird his changing to a scottish accent (kind of sounds like Jack Sparrow a bit in parts) was NOT a mistake. He would talk normal in 'lucid' moments and sort of scottish when he was 'mad' - this was completely on purpose on his part :)

Anne Hathaway and her hand movements as the white queen and mannerisms in general were quite amusing. Helena Bonham Carter as the big headed red queen was pretty great. The CGI was pretty awesome and I have to admit I saw it in 3-D and it was amazing! Though I watched in on DVD too - still great!

The tea party scene with the mad hatter and the march hare was pretty great. So my point here is Tim Burton fan or not, Johnny Depp fan or not, Alice in Wonderland fan or not.... Check it out. You may not like it but I'd say it's worth shot :)

Oh and.... "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
We may never know....

Nine - Don't bother in my opinion

No spoilers....

Okay now I know some of you musical lovers out there MAY have loved this movie. I am a musical lover myself and I would never watch it again. I admit it had beautiful cinematography and all such loveliness HOWEVER this alone will not make me enjoy a movie.

The movie was stocked with big name actresses who all sang in their rather trashy get ups (a.k.a. like the Moulin Rouge music video back in the day - Moulin Rouge I suggest you watch!) I realize that the trashy get ups fit with the movie plot, I'm just saying.....they were trashy. None the less I am not the type of person who writes off a movie because of something like that. I just can only handle so much.... a movie with a plot basis of a married film director who pretty much sleeps with every woman he comes in contact with is a bit much. Not only that but he and every woman in the movie (of course) sing about these escapades. Just a bit much for me. Daniel Day Lewis can sing I'll give ya that. Much more impressive than Pierce Brosnan in Mama Mia (Liked that movie too by the way). But I mean that's not saying much it's a musical and he was the main character - one would hope he could sing!!!

The actresses with their sometimes brief moments of lustful, seducing songs were decent I suppose. They could sing I guess but it was all just a bit much.

With that said.... if you would like to see a film about a man and a ton of woman who want to sleep with him and his poor wife who is heart broken by his trashy sleeping around then by all means to each their own. But in case it hasn't been obvious.... I wouldn't waste your time and money (even if it did only cost me $2).

Book of Eli - Watch it !!

No Spoilers.....

I am a Denzel Washington fan! I thought he was really good in this movie (which came as no surprise to me). This had a very I am Legend (also a great movie) feel to it. Where as Denzel's character in the beginning is pretty much the only person in the film. I thought it might be that way the whole time much like I am Legend but don't worry more people are added into the mix.

Mila Kunis was actually very impressive in her role which after years of being on That 70's show I figured she couldn't be that good of a dramatic actress - so way to go Mila! Gary Oldman also played a great bad guy which again was no surprise to me. I thought the entire cast was great and the story line was great for the most part.

The only thing that bothered me a bit was I would have liked a BIT more description as to why the world was the way it was. The sky opening up and the sun burning everything and a few other vague descriptions just didn't do it for me. But other than that minor issue I thought it was a great movie. Denzel keep it up!

I'd even POSSIBLY be excited for a sequel..... those tend to bomb but I'd give it a chance!

Youth in Revolt - Don't bother

No spoilers....

I went out and rented this as soon as it was available through Redbox as I expected it to be rather hilarious. While I am a Michael Cera fan (though Paper Heart was not great) I loved him in Juno - this movie left much to be desired. He had his moments as did the script with some rather funny awkward teen embarrassment type moments. Zach Galifianakas was pretty funny in the movie (though not nearly as hilarious as he was in The Hangover) but he was only in the first 20 minutes or so! Steve Buscemi who I also really like had a rather small part as the father and was not all that amusing.

The trailer left me with the thought that Nick (Michael Cera) was going to be his geeky self but then try to impress this girl by becoming a french man - as in I thought he literally was going to fool her into thinking in he was french and a completely different person! This was not the case. It was more of a he was seeing the french guy in his head. I don't know it was weird.

The whole movie seemed like a bit of an over extreme situation for a guy to impress a girl but maybe I am looking to deep into a comedic movie. Either way I am not the pickiest person in the world and I still say don't bother there are way more amusing movies out there! For instance (although no very PC) The Hangover was pretty darn hilarious! Get that one instead!

Killers - Watch it !

NO Spoilers!

This is a chick flick sort of HOWEVER - Your husband or boyfriend will love it too!!!!!

This was a MUCH better movie than I was expecting. The pairing of Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl was quite fantastic. Ashton Kutcher managed to actually act well AND not come off as stupid or overly full of himself - color me impressed! They had good chemistry and more importantly sparred well with the comedic aspects of the movie!

This was way more hilarious than I expected it to be. The introduction of Tom Selleck and Catherine O'Hara as Katherine Heigl's parents in the movie was amazing! Tom Selleck for nothing more than his overbearing daddy role (and hilarious mustache of course) and Catherine O'Hara because she has SO many scenes where she is just such a funny DRUNK! Haha - great faces, great commentary. She was a great addition to that cast. Even if all you remember about her was her being the mom in Home Alone now you should remember this!

So I don't want to give anything away but trust me this movie is worth it. Mind you it would be just as good on your TV as in theaters so you COULD wait till DVD and catch an action movie as there are MANY good movies out right now.

Either way SOONER OR LATER - check Killers out! If you're disappointed I'd be surprised!

The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus - Watch it !

To start if you don't like hippy trippy weird somewhat confusing movies.... stay away this is all of those combined. If you're in for some interesting scenery and some messing with your head.... GO FOR IT :)

Some Spoilers...... beware!

For starters this was Heath Ledger's last movie. He actually passed away before the filming was done.... because of this we have the addition of Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Ferrell. They all also play Tony (Heath Ledger's character).... trust me that is NOT the first confusing part!

I thought that they tied in the four actors together rather well as they were all "Tony" in the Imaginarium not in the real world. So given that the Imaginarium was not real so to speak it seemed more logical that someone not look the same. However, not many other characters changed while in the Imaginarium but that didn't really bother me much.

The whole plot of the movie is rather foggy and confusing given you are in the real world you go through a mirror (yes sort of like the whole Alice and the looking glass except a cheaper looking mirror) and BOOM you're in a trippy weird everyone is on drugs looking world! What is this world? Well it seems to all come around to Dr. Parnassus.

We learn that this is your not so typical good vs. evil battle. Dr. Parnassus vs. the Devil for the Dr.'s daughter.

Interesting? Yes. Strange? You betcha! Odd tango dancing between 16 yr. old daugher and the devil? Yep!

I guess my point here is..... it's good if you don't mind weird. Also... it is impossible to explain the movie so I'm not going to try more than I have. Worth the watch though if for nothing else then to see the interesting Imaginarium scenes and Heath Ledger's last bits of acting - with that Joker-esque smile.

When in Rome & Leap Year - Chick Flick lovers Watch them!

No spoilers really....

My husband was amused by Leap Year though I doubt he would have liked When in Rome (fair warning for you couples out there)....

This is a rather simple review for both as they are similar chick flick typical type movies. For those feminists out there I deeply apologize for the use of the word "chick" but honestly let's just get over that because I will use the term many times in the future - I am a chick so I have that right ;) .... It is not meant to be insulting-now to carry on...
These are both movies that are rather PREDICTABLE so if you want to be surprised -don't bother. But who REALLY watches a chick flick to be surprised?
Anyways to get right down to the nitty gritty.... they are cute movies with actresses and actors that play loveable characters. If you like chick flicks you should like these movies... but if you don't want predictable rent Object of my Affection or My I myself love a good predictable romance now and again....

The New Daughter - Maybe see it

Some tiny spoilers - won't ruin the movie though if you choose to watch it!

This movie stars Kevin Costner as a father of a son and daughter. His wife just abandoned the family and went off with some younger man. So this leaves him to be the father he never has been. Blah blah - typical stat to a movie.

Then the movie gets interesting - there's this whole evil presence and unexplainable things are happening, etc. The daughter is not acting the same (hence the point of the movie)

Well this was one of those movies to me where it was really good - I was given a much more creepy feeling than I initially expected. However, the ending left me wanting. It was an ending that had they given it a 5 minute wrap up I think I could have loved the movie.

IF you don't mind endings that leave you hanging then GO FOR IT! If the open ended endings bug you like they do me then I would suggest staying away from this one. An alternate ending even in the extras may have made me feel better. Definitely not the worst movie ever but the ending left me unsatisfied.... to each there own....

Date Night - Watch it!


Date Night is a movie that you should like if you like the lead duo! If you hate Steve Carell and/or Tina Fey then seriously why bother?
However if you like that type of humor and are a fan of ridiculous situations that would probably never happen to anyone but yet are still funny..... then do it!
Also if you have a lifeless marriage and want to feel better about it then watch the first 20 minutes LOL that should work ;) The movie is jam packed with situations that I'm pretty sure rarely if not never happen to anyone but they spin them in a way that you greatly enjoy laughing and the pathetic married couple that is going through them!
If you want a movie that you don't need to decipher and will just make you laugh then I recommend this movie. Not the best comedy ever but worth the watch for sure :)

A-Team - Watch it!

On to the first review.... Don't worry NO spoilers for this one as there isn't much to give away!

Now when I say that I don't mean to insinuate that I did not enjoy the movie because on the contrary I thought it was pretty good! It was action packed (as of course you would expect) and filled with quite a bit of funny moments.

Liam was good (I usually like him) and Bradley Cooper's arrogant (as usual) demeanor managed to not bother me (which was a plus)! Also 'Rampage' as B.A. was hilarious and I must say I was impressed because usually seeing wrestlers in a movie does NOT excite me but he had some VERY humorous parts in the movie. Sharlto Copley who played Murdock was down right HILARIOUS!!! I did not remember ever seeing him in a movie so I didn't know what to think but man can he play crazy (a severe improvement from District 9)!!

So all in all I'll describe it as my husband did to his friend: "A donut filled with action, glazed with humor"