Knight and Day - Watch it!

No Spoilers....

Here's another example of a trailer that did not need to show so many parts of the movie.For instance I don't consider this a spoiler because the trailer gave this away.... there is a part where you think Tom's character is dead and then you remember "that part in the trailer where they were running from bulls didn't happen yet" well guess what it's cause he's not dead! DUMB very very dumb trailer maker guy!!

Nonetheless.... good flick. It's a comedy action movie. Tom was characterized as having "multiple personalities" in the movie given he plays many of his past character types in the movie. For example: Jerry Maguire, Days of Thunder, Mission Impossible etc. But seriously when does that not happen? Pretty much in all movies you can see part of a character from another movie they were in (like Michael Myers in EVERY movie LOL he always sounds like Shrek!).

So bascially unless you have a severe dislike for either actor I say watch it - it's worth it.


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