Inception - WATCH IT!

This movie is impossible to spoil...........

I can't even express to you how cool this movie was. First off AWESOME to see in the theaters. I agree with what someone said to me though - Imax might be a bit to much for this movie... strike that reverse it.... this movie might be too much for Imax. It's a LOT to pay attention to and I think on that big of a screen you would miss aspects that are important.

Word to the wise: PAY ATTENTION or you will be lost. Trust me! Do not go to this movie if you are sleepy LOL you will feel like you fell down the rabbit hole with Alice!

There's not much I can say other than that. Pay attention and be ready to be wowed! I love a movie with a twist and this had many by the end you feel like you need to untwist your brain!

Soooo WATCH IT! And if possible get to the theater while you can!!!! This ones worth the pricey admission!


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