Revolutionary Road - DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!!

This SERIOUSLY is one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen in my life. I highly recommend you to NOT I repeat NOT watch this movie! It is an insanely depressing outlook on marriage relationships you will leave the movie nothing but depressed! (even if I wanted to be depressed I would not choose to watch this movie!)

Spoilers follow.........

OK so spoiler time - movie in short form! Trust me after reading this you will know why you should NOT watch this! Kate and Leo's characters meet with all these fancy ideas to explore the world, travel, not be 'normal' boring married people... she gets pregnant! Whoops! So of course - no traveling. She stays at home he works a job he hates - three kids down the line they plan to move to Paris and just see how it goes for a year do the whole non-normal thing so they will be happy again.... she's pregnant again - except now she wants to get an abortion (I believe this was in the 50's so not so easy to do then) he is very against that. So they fight - she kisses their friends husband at some point he's miserable she's miserable. He's off at work one day and she sends the kids next door to play and gives herself an abortion. Walks downstairs and then you see a pool of blood at her feet. Next thing you know her husband and kids are at her funeral. The End!

Aren't you happy that you read that so you won't watch the misery!

Personally I am dead set against abortions in every way so that was just something that was horrible to me but even IF that part had not happened it still would have royally sucked!
A book that should have never been written and surely never made into a movie! Depress yourselves Richard Yates - geesh - don't depress all of America!!!


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