Temple Grandin - WATCH IT!

No Spoilers.....

This is an AMAZING movie about an a woman with Autism. She was diagnosed with it at age 4 when they thought all autistic people were a lost cause and it was caused by their mother's not being loving enough!

This is a real eye opener to how true it is when the movie says that Temple Grandin (the main character with autism) is "different not less!" True for all people with autism they are unique they have a unique way of thinking. Some can obviously thrive like Temple (with the loving amount of help she received) and some with no help will not. But if you think about it that is much like those of us without special needs..... with help and encouragement we can thrive without it we may not.

I think that everyone should watch this movie. There are still to this day so many things that are misunderstood about those with autism. It is not a death sentence and it does not mean that the person will not accomplish anything in life. This is a wonderful story (biography pretty much) of a girl who defied all odds and expectations and accomplished way more than you or I will probably ever accomplish!

CHECK IT OUT! Well worth the money to rent it or catch it on TV as it is an HBO movie :)


"People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything. There is no single magic bullet."
--Temple Grandin


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